Twelve THOUSAND dollars in property was stolen from multiple public housing apartments on Foster Circle during the last few weeks; residents discovered missing property over the weekend.
At this point, the question should be asked: Why does LaFayette still have a police department? What are they doing?
Over the weekend Sean Patrick Walker – wanted by local police for several weeks after a domestic violence incident that led to a standoff against an empty house – turned himself in to the Sheriff’s Department.
Despite being on the run since April 19th, Walker was immediately released back into the wild. Which seems like another failure of law enforcement or the courts.
Hutcheson leaders claim the hospital made a profit of $250,000 during March, and now has about $1 million on hand.
Legal papers filed by the hospital weeks ago said they only had $100,000 in cash available at the end of February – how does $100k plus $250k equal $1 million?
- Chattanooga Times Free Press, 04/03/15: “At the beginning of December, according to those documents, the hospital’s available balance was at $660,000. By the end of February, it was at $100,000.”
Somebody can’t do math. Or they’re hiding something.
LaFayette native Joshua Fowler has pled guilty to beating his grandmother to death last year in her Chickamauga home. He faces a mandatory “life” sentence, which means at least thirty years in prison.
The evidence against Fowler, including blood inside his vehicle and on his clothing, was overwhelming. Thirty years in prison is the best he could have hoped for, and a lot less than he deserves for the brutal murder.
Last week a Walker County fire truck ended up in a ditch on Goodson Circle off Straight Gut Rd.

Per sources, the truck was being driven by an inexperienced operator – possibly a trainee. Vehicle is described as new to the department, based out of station 1 in Rock Spring. No word of any injuries or the level of damage sustained by the truck.
Some Walker teachers and parents complain the system’s new grading method is broken and allows students to skip assignments and encourages them not to take studying seriously.
At least one teacher says it’s all about raising graduation rates among kids who aren’t ready for college.
Seems like the new system was rolled out in a hurry and not properly explained to the community, students, OR school staff. Communication is your friend, Superintendent Raines.
Another day, another theft of property from a parked vehicle.
$2,500+ of tools and gear stolen from a truck toolbox on Old Trion Hwy. a weekend ago. Owner says the toolbox was locked but keys were left inside the vehicle.
This one was outside city limits, so it cannot be blamed on lack of action from LaFayette PD.
Victim of South Main vehicle robbery offers $500 reward for suspect’s name and return of lost property. Stolen items include a handgun, an iPad, a laptop, cash, and paperwork.
A few days ago LU shared a pic of broken vehicle windows at Bangz salon, this is another vehicle broken into at the same place on the same day. (The owner is Tabby Holcomb, owner of Chattanooga St. Tavern.)
A total of three vehicles were burglarized in the parking lot during broad daylight, two had windows broken out and the other apparently was unlocked – another one that CAN be blamed on a lack of patrols from LaFayette police.
If you have any info on the thefts, call LPD at 706 639 1540.
Video/Internet visitation systems for jails – including the new one here – are supposed to be about security and convenience. But they’re mostly just about money, both for the jail and the company providing the service.
Once they’re installed, in-person visits with imprisoned family members are no longer allowed under any circumstances – the situation now found inside Walker County Jail.
The visit from home Skype-type option is good, because some people live far from where their family member is in jail or can’t get out to visit the jail (grandma, etc.) but not having an option at ALL for an in-person visit stinks.
Your child, spouse, etc. gets five years in the can and when you “visit” them in jail you have to look at a TV screen?
Since Tuesday morning at 8, drivers on Lake Howard Rd. have been forced to stop where they weren’t stopping before, thanks to new signage at the Arnold Ln. intersection.
Walker County has issued no formal announcement about the new sign, nor has the county offered an explanation for it. Speculation has focused on the number of drivers crashing through a nearby fence during the last few years.
Local arrests and jail bookings, April 27-May 3.
Commissioner Heiskell will have community meetings again, beginning next week.
If a lot of people attend, she’ll cancel them due to illness or weather, but here you go.
People who live in Walker with non-Walker ZIP codes, like Summerville or Rising Fawn, are apparently not getting these? And people with Walker ZIPs in other counties, like Rossville, are getting them. Seems like they could figure that out, but…
[If you’re interested in representing LU at any of these, e-mail LU at lu@lafa.ga.]
Juvenile suspects in April 20th Trion Schools bomb threat located, detail of fake bomb plot released.
Investigators say the threat was called in by a 13-year-old from Pennsylvania, who had chatted on X-Box with another 13-year-old student from Trion.
LaFayette Rec. says the city pool will open for business Memorial Day, May 25th.
Rec. Department is also taking in-person registration for summer swim classes.
Judy Elaine Henry of LaFayette has pled guilty in federal court to stealing over a half million dollars from her employer over a 8-year period.
Henry was employed as office manager for Bec-Don of Ringgold, a rebar and construction materials supplier. She admits to falsifying company books to hide checks made out to herself.
This isn’t the first company she’s stolen from, but will hopefully be the last.
Local student Aaron Gribble asks for help with tuition money.
- “Today, I was officially accepted into the highly competitive summer school program at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., one of the most prestigious universities in the nation. I will be taking a summer course in Media & Politics on campus. For me, this is a huge step forward in my political career. However, I am needing help with the cost of Tuition, Airfare, Off Campus Meals, and Extra Money. Any donation will be greatly appreciated. Thank You & God Bless. – Aaron”

Another former GA employee files a whistleblower suit against the state.
Former Lotto official says he was fired after ratting out his boss for pushing false sales figures. Four previous whistleblower cases in the last year have been settled for over $2 million.
Regions Bank is refunding some $7.5 million in overdraft fees charged to customers who hadn’t agreed to overdraft protection, in violation of banking rules.
You might be owed a little money, if you bank with Regions.
Judge responsible for watching over judicial misconduct in GA resigns after his own misconduct is made public.
Per reports, judge Ronnie Joe Lane, who led Georgia’s Judicial Qualifications Commission for the last year, has stepped down after journalists uncovered he lied about having a part time job in order to get more benefits than he deserved from the state.
Last weekend marked 150 years since the Civil War officially ended, a milestone celebrated by many around the South and beyond – including a group of Confederate descendants living in Brazil.
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