
Today is the National Day of Prayer. Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be having a prayer around the LHS flagpole at 7:40 AM with all students encouraged to join. Other schools around the county and nationally will have similar prayer events, and many are open to the public.

The LaFayette garbage can saga continues..

Some city residents are now being told new larger trash cans must be requested. But again the city hasn’t communicated this to anybody. They need to get their crap together.

To request a larger can, call LaFayette Public Works, 639 1509. Some say they called and were asked about the size of their family; several people called days ago and still haven’t gotten anything. Apparently we’re rationing trash bins now.

We don’t have a problem with the plan. We don’t have a problem with requiring people to call and request a bigger can. But we do have a problem with them not telling any of this to anybody. It shouldn’t be the Underground’s job to tell city trash customers about changes in their service and how to get larger cans to accommodate less frequent pickup.

The LU Facebook garbage can poll is holding steady at 10%; only 6 of 61 respondents say they’ve already gotten a bigger trash container.

Yesterday the governor signed a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The new law, starting January 1st 2013, replaces current GA rules banning the procedure after 26 weeks.

A LaFayette native living in Dalton was arrested in April for stealing a prepaid phone from the LaFayette Walmart. He was also arrested back in March for stealing beer from Pit Stop, and has spent a considerable amount of his adult life in jail for the same kinds of minor crimes.


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More on the new LPD tasers.
The first one went to Billy Mullis for use at LHS. Some students might think it’s nothing to be tased and put the SRO to test, but that’s fine.. Let them get tased and learn now before they grow up.

Good photo in here of officer Reyes, good to see him back on patrol after his unjustified termination.

LPD says the tasers have already been used: “A LaFayette officer has already drawn a taser as a deterrent in a situation. ..On April 10, a domestic situation on South Chattanooga Street occurred with a man allegedly choking his wife in the front yard, according to Clift. Witnesses called 911 and the man grabbed his child and ran in the house. Three officers from LaFayette broke down the door and cleared the rooms, with tasers in hand.”

The LU Facebook garbage can poll is now 5 “yes” votes to 45 “no” votes, or 10%. This isn’t exactly a scientific poll representative of the entire city, but it seems quite a few people still aren’t ready for the once-per-week garbage schedule.

The official City of LaFayette, GA Facebook finally announced the new schedule yesterday, a bit late for the Monday-Thursday people who didn’t get their refuse picked up Monday.

This video was posted Monday night as part of discussion about new school standards. It should be watched by anyone who is a parent, an educator, a taxpayer, or a student.

Ultimately there is no one, or two, or five, perfect educational systems or methods for every child. We need educational diversity, more schools, more systems – more opportunity to bring out what’s good in kids instead of cramming them all into the same mold.

But it seems like those who most support diversity in the population are the least supportive of diversity in the way that population is educated.

..Meanwhile the only announced candidate for Walker County School Board this year (so far) is running on a platform of opposing charter schools.


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As promised, today the LU begins daily updates. These links and comments are taken from yesterday’s LU Facebook activity.

During their April meeting, the LaFayette City Council voted to change garbage service to once a week pickup instead of twice a week during May. The move was meant to save money and should be OK because the city is gradually rolling out bigger trash bins (95 gal vs. 55 gal) to city residents. The new schedule gives former Monday-Thursday customers Thursday-only service, while Tuesday-Friday customers will get Tuesday pickup. The new schedule began yesterday, April 30th (the “first week of May” is the same as May apparently) with only two problems – many city residents don’t have the new bigger cans yet, and nobody was notified of the change.

At midnight an LU Facebook poll showed only 4 of the 39 people who voted (around 10%) have gotten larger cans, and many already rolled their old cans down to the curb expecting service on Monday because they weren’t told about the change. A decent plan but, as usual, the city executed it poorly. They should have let people know what was going on and waited for the new cans to be ready before starting.

If the changes don’t save money or too many people protest them, the city will return to the old schedule in June and raise garbage prices. An increase on city power bills will already begin this month.

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The City has earned “National Main Street Accreditation.”

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Walker County is spending $154,000 on a training tower for the fire department. Better trained fire fighters is worthy of the investment, and may result in a lower ISO rating to make insurance in the county cost less.

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Walker County Emergency Services is going to offer free community training on the first Thursday of each month. This week’s class will be Babysitter Safety for kids 12-18 years old who watch other children outside their own family. The classes will always be offered at Fire Station 1 in Rock Spring, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, and taught by volunteers or salaried employees at no additional cost to the county.

    Here’s the list of classes for the rest of 2012:
    May – Babysitter Safety
    June – Community CPR
    July – Fire extinguisher training
    August – Basic first aid
    September – Safety in the woods Safety and Survival Techniques Part I
    October – Safety in the woods Safety and Survival Techniques Part II
    November – Community CPR
    December – Preparing for a safe holiday season

“To register for a class, please call Headquarters at 706-539-1255 or email to Traci Reece at t.reece@walkerga.us

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Majestic Manor Nursing Home in Rock Spring received a 93 score health inspection. Its previous score earlier in the month was a nasty nasty 49. Ivy Cottage in LaFayette got a 91, their last inspection was a similarly bad 63. Melinda’s Catering earned a B, and Twins Pizza got an A. (Originally from WQCH Radio.)

All Georgia restaurant inspections are now archived online.

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Here’s a look at the new state educational standards rolling out this fall. Georgia is now free of No Child Left Behind but these new guidelines come straight from the federal government.


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The LaFayette Underground began in mid-2008, was abandoned after a handful of posts, and relaunched in October 2009. Since then there have been 103 posts (104 counting this one), with several of the most recent read by thousands within the first 48 hours. LU also has a substantial Facebook presence followed by more than 2,400 people and a duplicate Twitter feed.

In the last two years, Underground readers, participants, and contributors (the lines between those categories continue to blur) have served as unofficial eyes and ears for the community, giving the Underground ability to post about breaking news (primarily on Facebook) and detailed “news beneath the news” here on the LU blog. On more than one occasion, stories originating here ended up as major stories for local and Chattanooga news media. Undergroundlings aren’t just discussing news; sometimes they actually drive the news. That’s a good place to be.


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In early March when firefighter Johnny Stephens, Jr. was fired from LaFayette Public Safety, the city also terminated long-time police officer Denny Reyes. But unlike Stephens, Reyes’ termination was impossible to justify and overturned by the City Manager.

Corporal Reyes has been with LaFayette PD since 2003. Reyes was the city’s first, and only, bicycle cop trained in a long-abandoned program, but has spent most of his nine-year career as a regular patrol officer.

Since news of Reyes’ March 5th termination became public, we’ve been contacted by people defending the officer, and more than a few accusing him of various things on the job and in his personal life they think he should have been fired for. But the city described the reason for his firing as a policy violation committed during arrest made nearly two months ago. And Reyes’ attorney said it was something else entirely:

    “Reyes said he was told he was being terminated for being a liability to the department, but Salter [Reyes’ attorney] said Reyes was given an ultimatum to resign or be fired. They believe it had to do with an arrest Reyes made in February.
    “‘The police department doesn’t contend that [Reyes] did anything illegal,’ Salter said. ‘But they were very concerned about the person that was arrested.'”


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