
According to weather officials, January’s snow storm dumped 8.4 inches on Chattanooga, making it the 6th deepest snow in recorded local history. That’s the largest snowfall seen in this area since the infamous Blizzard of ’93, and the longest lasting snow cover this area’s ever seen. The storm’s depth and longevity will likely make it the new standard for comparison and hopefully reduce the number of people who suffer a flashback to that iconic storm 18 years ago every time the region gets even a dusting of snow.

Since Northwest Georgia doesn’t get a lot of snow, and usually not that much when it does snow, most of us aren’t as prepared for winter weather as we should be. Last year’s biggest snowfall only lasted a few days and melted away quickly, providing little opportunity to practice coping with and removing the snow.

January’s snow lingered long enough to test our “snow skills” and identify strengths and weaknesses that can come into play during the next storm – which might happen within a few days or could be a year or more away.


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As we batten down the proverbial hatches for what could be a full week of snow and canceled school (or not, who knows..), here’s a look at some political happenings for the upcoming 12 months:

Georgia General Assembly

The state legislature begins its annual session on Monday. Among other issues, this year that esteemed body will address the future of HOPE scholarships, an immigration bill, and proposals to reform the state’s tax system. Some tax proposals call for a reduction in personal and corporate income taxes, but those reductions would be more than offset by plans to raise tobacco taxes, make groceries taxable again, tax Internet purchases, and take away exemptions for seniors. All of those add up to a tax increase for the state as a whole, and a tax increase is the last thing we need right now considering how things are going economically. In light of that, we can hope nothing is finalized before the assembly runs out of time during its 40-day session.


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While LaFayette’s economy is still in the dumps and there’s no sign of a badly-needed industrial resurgence, over the last few months competition in the restaurant business has heated up considerably. Three new eating establishments have popped up in 2010 and several older stores plan to relocate or expand in 2011. Competition may intensify in the new year as a handful of local restaurants begin serving alcohol for the first time.


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Merry Christmas from The Underground!

(Consider this an open thread for discussion.)

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Today at 2 PM the LaFayette Police Department will host a live press conference to announce the arrest of a suspect involved in more than twenty arson fires set over the last five years. The arrest takes a dangerous serial fire-starter off the streets, but he’s not the only one involved – and his arrest happened purely by accident.


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