
To clarify, this site will be dealing with all matters of interest, not just things pertaining to LaFayette. Most of what you read here will be regarding the city of LaFayette or the pitiful excuse for a county that somehow manages to keep LaFayette contained inside its borders. The current cityoflafayettega.com domain may eventually be supplemented with something related to the county or perhaps another name that binds it less to a specific geographical area. Regardless of domain, occasional postings may wander off the local news path and touch on anything else regarded as interesting.

How fitting then that the first post be about the county rather than the city.


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The purpose of journalism is to inform the citizens of happenings within their world or community. Informing truthfully, without reporting dubious items that edge towards gossip, yet at the same time not ignoring important issues that citizens should be made aware of.


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