
Today is another snow day for Walker County, with four or more inches measured in areas around LaFayette. Tomorrow’s forecast calls for more of the same, with a layer of ice expected before noon followed by another three to eight inches of snow.

Unlike the big Tuesday snow of two weeks ago, all local schools were closed for the day and some businesses also kept their doors closed. That means no repeat of kids left on stuck busses or stranded at school, even though more snow fell today than during the late January “snowpocalypse.” Beyond a few minor accident reports, things today have been relatively calm and enjoyable.

(Click to advance gallery – mouseover for captions.)

Hoping to avoid a repeat of the last snow mess, Gov. Deal prematurely declared a state of emergency for 14 counties midday Monday. By Tuesday morning he had expanded the declaration – twice – to 44 and then 88 of Georgia’s 159 counties. The emergency area includes Walker and every other county from Atlanta north to Tennessee.

Tuesday President Obama signed a resolution opening FEMA funds to the parts of Georgia covered by this emergency declaration, meaning the fed can repay 75% of everything spent clearing roads in the state’s northern half. At this point the state AND county have been out doing a decent job of that, clearing the roads and maybe even laying out treatments so they don’t get too bad tomorrow. LaFayette, meanwhile, borrowed an extra road scraper from Rossville to work on city streets.

Preparing for possible devastating power losses when the ice hits tomorrow, GA Power has called in thousands of extra workers from power companies around the country. As of NOW there are no reported significant power outages for GA Power or NGEMC, but that will probably change by Wednesday lunchtime after several hours of heavy ice.

At this point ALL public schools in the region are closed for Wednesday. Other closings: Walker County government and Walker Transit. First and Second Baptist LaFayette, Rock Spring UMC, Stone Ridge Community Fellowship. NGEMC payment office in Trion. GNTC, Dalton State College. Propex in Ringgold. All local Dept. of Driver Services offices. Shaw LaFayette (plant 67) also closed, no word yet about Synthetic in Chickamauga.

There’s also an unverified report Phillips Bros. Machine will be closed. Roper was closed for both shifts today but has made no declaration yet about tomorrow. For the latest check LU Facebook or Twitter.   Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook

Hutcheson is removing and replacing the “Erlanger at Hutcheson” signs it spent thousands of dollars buying and installing less than three years ago. No word if they kept old signs in storage or if this will require spending more money the hospital doesn’t have.

Hutcheson Medical Center

Replacing the Erlanger signs, just like putting them up to begin with, has absolutely no impact on quality of care, which is the main reason Hutcheson is dying.

(Will replacement signs say “CATOOSA COUNTY’S LARGEST ANTIQUE MALL” where they used to say “Women’s Center”?)   Tiny Facebook

Today at 2 PM, Steve Tarvin was sworn in as Georgia State Representative for House District 2.

Steve Tarvin Takes Oath

Tarvin will get the rest of this week off; as he was being sworn in, the General Assembly decided – due to snow? – it should close down until next Monday. Before that point, they voted to end this year’s legislative session on March 20th – meaning Tarvin will have about five weeks to actually do anything before his term ends.

Senator Jeff Mullis and Gov. Deal both backed Neal Florence in the House District 2 election and applied considerable resources to get him elected. Mullis’ voice was used for robo calls asking people to vote for Florence. That means, at least per Atlanta blog Political Vine, Steve Tarvin’s victory over Florence makes both Mullis and Deal “look like sh*t now” politically.   Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook


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Introducing LU Saturday Survey, which will hopefully become a regular (or at least semi-regular) feature of the blog.

Valentine's Day Survey

This week’s topic is a bit light (for testing purposes) – a question about plans for Valentine’s Day. Future questions will probably be of a more serious nature. THIS survey will close next Wednesday night, with results posted in an upcoming Daily Update.

Have plans for Valentine's Day?

  • No plans (61%, 43 Votes)
  • Going out (24%, 17 Votes)
  • Staying in (14%, 10 Votes)

Total Voters: 70

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LaFayette 14 year olds Savannah Jackson and Tanner Van Pelt stole a parent’s car and ran away from home. They haven’t been seen since Tuesday morning.

UPDATE: The missing teenagers have been located. Unverified reports they were found in Mississippi.

Savannah Jackson & Tanner Van Pelt

The two are thought to be driving a black 1996 Chevy Blazer, GA tag BNR 2023, with a US Mail sticker on the back window. If you see this vehicle or either of the teens, call Walker County Sheriff’s Office at 706 638 1909.   Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook

Walker Co. Schools has a proposed schedule for the next school year. Class would start on August 13th and end on May 15th. Fall break goes down to two days, and a new three day “winter break” is added in February around President’s Day.

Schedule expands teaching days and cuts out a few teacher furlough days, but funding still has to be approved by the school board.   Tiny Facebook

Holbert Pell 
LaFayette resident Holbert Ryan Pell was arrested up in Dade County for possession of marijuana.

Pell was pulled over by Trenton PD because his tag light was out. Officers discovered pot in his possession and booked him into Dade County jail.   Tiny Facebook

After Tuesday night’s election defeat, Neal Florence described opponent Steve Tarvin as “a good guy” and says he (Florence) will not run for state office again. Tarvin will be up for reelection in May.   Tiny Facebook


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Neal Florence With Campaign Sign

Yesterday residents of House District 2, stretching over parts of Walker, Whitfield, and Catoosa, finally settled who will represent them in Atlanta: Chickamauga businessman Steve Tarvin.

Tarvin defeated former LaFayette mayor Neal Florence by a margin of only 277 votes out of the 3,500 or so cast.


ARMUCHEE 19.66% 96 75 171
BLACKSTOCK (Catoosa) 4.9% 10 53 63
CENTER POST 15.46% 93 54 147
CHAMBERS (Catoosa) 15.09% 95 177 272
CHICKAMAUGA 21.49% 175 527 702
LAFAYETTE 20.64% 637 247 884
ROCK SPRING 18.38% 396 359 755
TRICHUM (Whitfield) 9.64% 12 83 95
TUNNEL HILL (Whitfield) 6.37% 50 116 166
WESTSIDE (Whitfield) 6.89% 23 109 132
WOODSTATION (Catoosa) 8.98% 61 125 186
TOTAL VOTES   1648 (46.12%) 1925 (53.87%) 3573

Even though both candidates live in Walker County, Neal Florence received nearly twice as many Walker votes as Tarvin, winning every precinct except Tarvin’s Chickamauga. But Tarvin more than made up for his defeat in Walker by dominating in Whitfield and Catoosa.

The reasons for Tarvin’s dominance outside Walker County aren’t clear. It could be connections from the textile industry or just simply a better job of building name recognition in outlying areas. Either way, sometime this week Steve Tarvin will be sworn in as Representative Tarvin (R-Chickamauga) and serve in that role for at least the next three weeks.

This all starts over again once the legislative session ends in March.   Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook

February 4 House Fire

Tuesday morning fire claimed another unoccupied, unpowered house. This one burned around 7 AM on Wheeler Rd. north of town.   Tiny Facebook

A planned holiday for Walker County Schools – February 17, President’s Day – will now be used as a make-up day for last week’s snow cancellations.   Tiny Facebook

Per WQCH, Susie’s Sunset Cafe is no more. The business is being remodeled and renamed by the Shell family, which now owns a majority of property in downtown LaFayette. The eatery will eventually reopen as “Charlie’s Cafe” in honor of Charles “CC” Shell.

(The demise of Susie’s likely leaves Bi-Lo with a surplus of frozen Tyson chicken tenders and canned green beans.)

The Chow House

In other local restaurant news, The Chow House in Catlett is back open under new owners.   Tiny Facebook  Tiny Facebook


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2014 Elections

Last month this publication featured a Q&A session between three candidates vying to replace Jay Neal as Representative for Georgia House District 2: Doug Woodruff, Steve Tarvin, and Neal Florence. At the time Tarvin did not respond to questions and was excluded.

Tarvin and Florence were the top finishers on January 7th, but a runoff election was required since neither received over 50% of votes cast. That runoff will be held this Tuesday, February 4th.

GA House District 2 MapCandidate Tarvin never received his initial Q&A questions because they were sent to an older, unchecked e-mail address. He requested a second chance and was sent the same Q&A as before, which Woodruff and Florence had already answered. After about two weeks he sent in the responses given below.

Tarvin’s answers (along with Florence’s earlier replies) are shared here so voters can go to the polls Tuesday with the most information possible. But while reading, keep in mind Tarvin had the benefit of more time to answer and could read the answers provided by his opponents before submitting his own. (Woodruff answers are not included since Woodruff is not a candidate for the runoff.)

LU: What is your full name, and what name do you generally go by?

Florence: Harold Neal Florence Jr

Tarvin: Thomas Stephen Tarvin “Steve”


LU: What is your age?

Florence: 62 yrs.

Tarvin: 62


LU: What is your home address?

Florence: Inside the city of LaFayette

Tarvin: [redacted] W 12th St Chickamauga, Ga


LU: How can voters contact you or stay in touch with your campaign? (Please include info like e-mail, phone, Facebook, Twitter, Web site, etc. if applicable.)

Florence: Neal@NealFlorence.com
cell 423-595-0839

Tarvin: Email: steve@stevetarvin.com
Cell phone: 423-605-7328
FaceBook: Steve Tarvin
Twitter @stevetarvin
Website: www.stevetarvin.com


LU: How long have you lived in the area, and have you lived anywhere else?

Florence: LaFayette, GA since 1977 and before that Trion GA

Tarvin: 62 years
Never lived anywhere else

Florence was born in Cedartown before moving to Trion.


LU: Starting as early as you want, what kind of education do you have?

Florence: High School: MaCallie School in Chattanooga TN graduated 1969, College: Graduated University of GA with BS in Chemistry 1973, and BS in Pharmacy 1976

Tarvin: 1st -12th Grade
High School Graduate


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